Tianbing Li: A Selection of Recent Artworks : Exhibitions

Press release

Upon graduation from international relations and languages in Beijing,
TianBing Li moved to Paris to further pursue his studies at the Ecole Supérieure
Nationale des Beaux-Arts. The Guilin-born Chinese painter attempts to recapture
and reimagine his own childhood, and to explore the social consequences of the
most controversial and far-reaching policy China has decreed: the one-child rule.

TianBing Li's artworks peer into China's progression through the years. From his
earlier works that capture the mountains of the FuJian province, to his paintings
depicting his childhood under China's 1970s Single Child Rule Policy, the artist
provides a retrospective on the Chinese identity with his artistic technicalities and
expressions of a western painter. TianBing Li’s more recent works show him
moving away from his self-portraits which he has now become known for and
explore the cataclysms and their eventual social impacts.

Today, TianBing Li's artworks have been exhibited in galleries and museums
across the world, including the Today Art Museum in Beijing, the Museum of
Contemporary Art in Shanghai, the National Museum of Fine Arts in Beijing,
Instituto Valenciano de Arte Moderno in Spain and Kunstmuseum Bern in
Switzerland. The artist lives and works in Los Angeles, USA.

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