Sukhburen Narankhuu is a  Mongolian sculptor, renowned locally and internationally for his ceramic sculptures. The artist was born in 1982 in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. He graduated from Ulaanbaatar's Institute of Fine Art (2005) where he obtained a Bachelor Degree in ceramic arts. He was a teacher at Mongeni school (2006-2009). He then studied at Myongji University, Seoul, South Korea (2012 - 2013). Since 2009, he is a member of the Union of Mongolian Artists. Sukhburen lives and works in Ulaanbaatar.
Sukhburen aims to show in his artworks that perfection and godliness can exist in every single being or phenomenon, even in the most simple, unnoticed and under-appreciated moments of life. He deals with existential questions such as, “We are all capable of looking at others through God’s eyes, being empathetic, and doing good deeds. Where do our thoughts and senses come from? Who is the master of our emotions, sadness and grief, happiness and joy? (Do) We create our own small universe and it disappears with us...? “A Human and his assigned name.”